Ciro Colombara


His practice focuses on complex national and international litigation, civil law and arbitration, criminal law, Constitutional Law, administrative law, human rights and public interest and Strategic Business Advisory.

Dispute Resolution: White-Collar Crime

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Valuable Practice: Arbitration

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Represents in Chile

Logo Fraudnet

Represents in Chile

Logo Roxin

Recognized by Leaders League 2024, as excellent in “Administrative Litigation and Compliance”, highly recommended in “White Collar-Crime”. Recommended in “Civil and Commercial Litigation”, valuable practice in “Arbitration”.

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With more than 30 years of experience in complex litigation matters, both national and international, he has developed his career mainly in sophisticated disputes related to Criminal Law, Civil Law, Public Law, International Law and Human Rights, among other matters. He is the representative of Fraud Net in Chile, an international network of professionals specialized in the search and recovery of assets in tax havens. He also represents Roxin Alliance, a global network of law firms specializing in Economic Criminal Litigation. Litigates regularly before the Supreme Court, Courts of Appeals and the Constitutional Court, as well as other specialized courts in Chile. Internationally, he litigates before the Inter-American Court of Human Rights, among others.

In 1999 he founded and led the "ColombaraOlmedo" Studio, which, after a successful merger in 2009 gave rise to Estudio Rivadeneira Colombara Zegers (RCZ).

  • Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, Faculty of Law, Law degree (1993, Chile).
  • Title of Lawyer granted by the Supreme Court of Justice (1993, Chile).
  • Visiting Scholar at American University (2013, United States).
Academic Activities
  • Visiting Professor at the Inter-American Institute of Human Rights for training in Latin America.
  • Recognized by Leaders League 2023 as "Highly Recommended" in Dispute categories
  • Resolution White Collar Crime, Administrative Law and Compliance
  • Recognized by Leaders League 2023 as a "Quality Practice" Arbitration category
  • Recognized by the Chambers & Partners ranking, in the category of White Collar Crime (2019-2020). Since 2015 Chambers and Partners has recognized him in economic criminal litigation, also highlighting its international practice and constitutional experience.
  • During 2018 he was recognized by Best Lawyers, in the category of Criminal Defence.
  • During 2019 he was elected as the only representative in Chile of ICC FraudNet, a global network of lawyers specializing in tracking and asset recovery, which since 2004 has operated under the sponsor of the International Chamber of Commerce, a business organization with offices in 90 countries.
  • Colegio de Abogados de Chile A.G.
  • Founder and Director of Fundación Pro Bono (2000 to date).
  • Member of the Executive Committee of the Pro Bono Network of the Americas (2015 to date).
  • Founder and President of Kamanau Foundation (2021 to date).
  • Member of the Board of Directors of the Encuentros del Futuro Foundation (2023 to date), organizers of “Congreso Futuro”.
  • Member of the Investment Committee of the Litigation Fund Hakamana.
  • Book «Litigación Compleja, Conflictos Complejos y Decisiones Estratégicas tomo I» (2023). (Authors: Francisco Agüero Vargas, Ciro Colombara López, Aldo Díaz Canales, Carlos Sánchez Rossi)
  • Book «Los delitos de la Ley de Abusos de Publicidad» (1996).
  • Article “El control social de la administración y el derecho de acceso a la información: la experiencia chilena”, Revista Derecho Comparado de la Información, number 2, July-December 2003, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (with Juan Pablo Olmedo).