Oscar Aguirre


His practice focuses on Corporate Law, Economic Criminal Law and Compliance.

Experience Icon

Before joining our Firm, he worked as a lawyer at AFP PlanVital S.A., where he assumed representation legal status of the company before the Courts of Justice and before the regulatory and supervisory authorities.

Likewise, he provided advice on regulatory compliance for both internal and external processes. external. Currently, he works at Colombara, Legal Strategy, as an advisor specialized in Compliance and Corporate Criminal Law for various companies.

Practice Areas Icon
Practice Areas
  • Universidad Adolfo Ibáñez, Faculty of Law, Graduate in Social and Legal Sciences (Chile, 2021).
  • Lawyer Title granted by the Supreme Court of Justice (Chile, 2021).
  • Universidad de Los Andes, Diploma in Corporate Law and Compliance (2023).
Language Icon
  • Spanish
  • English