Foto de Claudia Aubele

Claudia Aubele

Auditor Accountant

His practice focuses on the area of ​​Compliance.

Experience Icon

She has worked as an Auditor Accountant for more than 20 years, in the areas of regulatory and ethical compliance, consumer compliance and risks, in financial, productive, services, real estate, among others. She has extensive knowledge and experience in risk matrices, commercial, administrative, people and financial budgets, managing and leading work teams. Currently, it is part of the “Compliance” team at Estudio Colombara, Legal Strategy.

Practice Areas Icon
Practice Areas
Education Icon
  • Auditor Accountant, Universidad Tecnológica Metropolitana. Titled in 1991.
Academic Activities Icon
Academic Activities
  • Course “Planes de Cumplimiento SERNAC INN/ET1-2019”, 2020.
  • Course “Ley de Protección del Consumidor N°19.496 (N°21.081) SERNAC”, 2021.
  • Course “Compliance Corporativo”, Universidad del Desarrollo, 2023.
Language Icon
  • Spanish