Andrés Mahnke

Of Counsel

His practice focuses on complex litigation and criminal law, Planning, implementation and evaluation of public policies in matters of justice and modernization of the State.


He was National Defender of Chile between December 2014 and December of 2020. Prior to that he was the General Coordinator of the Public Defenders of Mercosur, between 2015 and 2017, and General Coordinator of the Inter- American Association of Public Ombudsmen between 2016 and 2018.

During the years 2010 and 2014, he participated as General Coordinator in various processes of transformation of justice in Latin America, providing technical assistance in design processes, strategic planning, implementation, technological development and evaluation of reforms in this area. During this period. he was also designated as Professional Expert of the Council of Senior Public Management of Chile.

Practice Areas
  • Universidad de Valparaíso, School of Law, Faculty of Legal and Social Sciences Lawyer and Bachelor of Legal Sciences. (Chile, 1989).
  • University of Santiago de Chile, Gender Approach Course for Human Development and Judicial Institutions. (Chile, 2006)
  • Office of the Comptroller General of the Republic. Statute Course Administrative for managers. (Chile, 2006)
  • Postgraduate in Criminal Process Reform at Universidad Alberto Hurtado (Chile, 2003)
  • Spanish
  • English