Foto de Joel González

Joel González

Of Counsel

Since 1990 he has practiced his profession as a lawyer, working in civil and commercial matters, corporate consulting and in the preparation of Law Reports.

Dispute Resolution/Civil: Commercial Litigation and Intellectual property - Sports Law

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Valuable Practice: Arbitration

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He has served as a member lawyer of the Most Excellent Court of Appeals of Santiago between the years 2014-2015, 2022-2024. He has been an Arbitrator Judge appointed by different Civil Courts in matters related to hereditary divisions, liquidations of marital partnership, liquidation of commercial companies, insurance, maritime transportation, among others.

He is a professor of Civil Law at the Pontificia Universidad Católica and Universidad de Chile. In addition, he joined in 2024 as Of Counsel at “Estudio Colombara, Legal Strategy” and is currently pursuing an MBA at ESADE, Business School, Spain.

Practice Areas Icon
Practice Areas
Language Icon
  • Spanish
  • English
  • Graduate in Legal and Social Sciences from the University of Concepción (1991).
  • Lawyer, title granted by the Most Excellent Supreme Court (1991).
  • Master in Business Law (LL.M.), Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, (2000).
  • Master in European Union Law, Complutense University of Madrid, (2001).
Academic Activities Icon
Academic Activities
  • Professor of Civil Law, at Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile from 1998 to the present.
  • Civil Law Professor, at the Universidad de Chile from 2006 to the present.
  • Visiting Researcher at New York University (NYU), School of Law (second semester 2008 and first semester 2009).
  • Visiting Researcher at University of Copenhagen (Denmark), Faculty of Law (second semester 2009).
Publications Icon
  • “Los Vicios del Consentimiento. Error, Fuerza y Dolo”. Thomson Reuters, 2019.
  • “La Boleta Bancaria de Garantía y el Seguro de Garantía”, Thomson Reuters, 2018.
  • “Índice Chileno de Derecho Privado. 4.500 artículos de Derecho Civil y Comercial”, Editorial Jurídica de Chile, 2018.
  • “Acuerdo de Unión Civil”, Thomson Reuters, 2017.
  • “Empresas Individuales de Responsabilidad Limitada. Análisis de la Ley Nº 19.857”, Thomson Reuters, 2014.
  • “La Compensación Económica en los Juicios de Divorcio y Nulidad Matrimonial”, Editorial Jurídica de Chile, 2012.
Publications Icon
  • “La esencia de la propiedad a propósito de la prohibición de distribuir dividendos, y de la regla 10ª del art. 1337 del Código Civil”, in Civil Law and Constitution, Tirant lo Blanch, Valencia, 2021.
  • “Las reglas de interpretación de los artículos 1561 a 1566 del Código Civil”, in Private Law Studies in tribute to Professor Daniel Peñailillo Arévalo, Thomson Reuters, 2019.
  • “El inmueble cuya posesión se inicia y plazo de prescripción se cumple vigente la sociedad conyugal ¿ingresa al haber absoluto de esta o al haber propio del cónyuge prescribiente?”, in Studies on property and possession. Chilean and Latin American perspective, Thomson Reuters, 2019.
  • “Determinación convencional, capitulaciones matrimoniales (regulación anticipada) y renuncia de la compensación económica”, in Family Law Studies III, Thomson Reuters, 2018.
  • “¿Alimentos? y compensación económica en el Acuerdo de Unión Civil”, en AA.VV., Family Law Studies I, Thomson Reuters, 2016.